
My point and shoot broke right before the trip, so these are all from Cobbonisia (otherwise know as DD Cobb).
So last year, we dorked out and made T-shirts. But this year, in honor of my melanoma (that I have since named Benign Bernice), they thought it was more appropriate to make hats. The design was supposed to be emroidered into the fabric. But when they came back, they were basically ironed-on, like something we could have done ourselves. So we figured if we were going to be janky, we might as well really do it right and glue rhinestones to all over them.
On the way, we got upgraded to first class, which was a great way to kick everything off!
On the plane though, I started this book that my sister gave me. It had been sitting in the basket since my trip to Oregon. And I grabbed it at the last minute while the cab was waiting for me outside at 6am. Not remembering that it was historical fiction about the HOLOCAUST. It's called Sarah's Key. And so on my way to go whoop it up in Cancun, I'm in tears on the plane. On the beach. In the hotel. I knew I should stop reading, but I could NOT put it down. At one point DD asked me about it, and it was right at a particularly horrifying spot. When I started talking about it, I was literally gasping for breath, I was crying so hard. Right there on the side of the pool, next to the cabana bar. Embarrassing. So it's definitely not a vacation book, but I highly recommend it. It's well written, and the kind of book that will stay with you forever.
Now, back the regularly scheduled drinking, playing, tanning, laughing, swimming, sailing.
I wonder what these guys were thinking when DeAnna and Robyn sat down to play cards with them, and then totally whooped their asses and won every game that afternoon. Too funny!
The highlight for me was the spa. We went two days in a row, and it was SO worth it. With every service, you can come early for all kinds of other treatments: in the pool, back and forth between different saunas and water massager thingies. Then you lay on the lounger while they massage your neck and put a hot towel on your face, while you wait for your therapist. And afterwards, you get to drink champagne and eat frozen grapes in your robe, on the roof of the spa. Ahhh, why am I not there right now?!
The resort was called The Excellence Riviera Cancun, and it was so much better than the place we stayed last year. I really have nothing negative to say about it at all. They had a variety of different restaurants, really good food, the spa was totally amazing, and professional. The beach wasn't crowded, and they had a fun disco tek at night that played 80s. Who could ask for more than that?! Also, DD and I were figuring out the other day that with airfare as cheap as it is right now, if you're in Texas it's cheaper to go to Mexico than to drive down to South Padre Island.
Today I'm BURIED in editing. That Summer Special has gotten the best of me. It's going to take me a while to catch up. And I think it's going to also be a while before I offer something like that again (if ever). Although, as I'm saying that, I'm remembering that I am offering a Belly/Baby portrait special at Chic Mama next month on July 18th. So if you're pregnant, you will definitely NOT want to miss out on that. Call (210) 545-7217 for details and to schedule. AND, we are cooking up all kinds of ideas to rock out the Hot Mama shoots even more often. More on that later.
For now I need to get back to work, and then later tonight I'm going to see Wicked. Can't wait! And see you later gators.

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