My core and a shoot.

As I told DD, Mexico was my rock bottom. Seeing myself in those beach shots has driven me back to the gym, and not just to hip hop class either. I've been hitting the weights, and body bars. I even laid on that big ball thing that scares the crap out of me. I mean, who lays on a BALL?! One day there will be an ambulance outside of the gym and people whispering "She fell off The Ball." "WHAT?!" "Yep, she just slipped and cracked her head." But I guess it's worth it. Because today I woke up and wasn't that sore! I've spent the last week spasming and cussing out our staircase. And not this morning! I was so happy that I made the mistake of telling Jason about it. Usually this topic is off limits. Because his work-out-a-holic-ness, and my stubborn-ness are not a good mix. And THE MINUTE I ever start working out, he starts telling me what to do. And that makes me want to dip potato chips into a bowl of ice cream.
So I go, "JASON I'M NOT SORE! I'M NOT CUSSING!" And he goes, in his I'm-now-your-trainer voice, "Yes, this is because it's the third day. It's always on the third day when the lactic acid..." And this is where I start to tune out and his words turn into "BLAHBITTY BLAHBITTY I'M TELLING YOU WHAT TO DO. LISTEN TO ME LITTLE BABY GIRL. BLAHBITTY BLAHBITTY BLAH." And then he says, "MAILE LISTEN. I KNOW WHAT I'M TALKING ABOUT. You need to do this machine and that machine." And I say, "But I don't like walking through that man-village of cut-off T-shirts and gold necklaces." And he says I'm ridiculous and that I need to strengthen my core. And I tell him that is what The Ball is for, and that I'm risking my life every day for it. And that he has no idea how weak my core is anyway. That I'm strengthening it right now as we speak, just by sitting in an upright position. And that's when he rolls his eyes and goes back to what he was doing.
But I do have pictures to show you...I'm so behind on posting sessions. So here is one that I did at least a month ago. This is Lori, and her cute girls. They spend lots of time at the river, so Gruene was a perfect spot to shoot. Plus I love any excuse to drive up there.
Thank you Jaime from KJ97 for the referral!
Reader Comments (9)
Love the pictures from the shoot too.
Thank you :)