Eugene and Florence, Oregon

I swear this is the EDITED version. All taken with the point and shoot.
I guess it's pretty apparent by the number of photographs, that this was one of the best trips ever. It was so fun to be with family. I've been going through withdrawals a bit, ever since we left. It's harder being away from everyone, when you know what you're missing. But I'm so grateful for the time. Thank you Mom and Bill for making it possible. I hope we can do it again soon. xoxo
Now are you ready for the way too long slideshow, 1950s projector-style? If not, you should stop here. :)
Lanterns on my mom's porch. She is the best at making "Hawaii corners".
I wish these moments happened enough to take them for granted.
Okay, so for 14 years, I've known that Bill has been a black belt in karate, but honestly didn't give it much thought. For me, watching all that stuff (as in kung fu movies or anthing similar) is almost painful. But he has been teaching Tom over the years, so while we were there this time, Tom got his green belt. And I have to say that despite my somewhat disinterest in martial arts, it was really fun. The guys had worked really hard, so it was also kind of moving. Not to mention surprising when they started chopping up bricks with their hands. Besides the entertaining aspect, it was impressive to see what can happen when someone focuses all their energy on something. When they were concentrating, he'd say, "don't see the brick, see the floor underneath it". I thought that was quite the awesome metaphor.
So this photo above is Jason (who couldn't help but get in on the action), Bill, Tom, and Bill's friend Gene. He is in his 70s, and was able to do everything. It was so cool.
So of course, my mom made a party out of it, complete with my favorite MOCHI!
Thumb wars in the back seat on the way to the lake.
A reminder of how spoiled people on the coasts are.
Tom's best side. :)
Annie and Emily watching movies on the iPhone. That's pretty much all it was good for,
Nana finds magic wherever she goes, so it wasn't surprising that she found a place that sprinkled fairy dust on your cheeks.
Myrtlewood. It only grows in Oregon and Israel. Kind of random and interesting.
Yes that is a bandaid on his nose. Somehow the day before, I managed to only put sunscreen on my daughters, letting my son fry to a crisp. Ahh, the things they will have to talk about in therapy one day. :)
The beach was COLD and WINDY. Here is Sari trying to snuggle in Emily's sweater, and Emily not crying because I finally gave her my sunglasses.
Jason and me (in my no-makeup glory). And if this post just isnt' long enough, there are lots more on my sister's site (thanks a lot kell!) Although I guess I can't whine since I'm the one that didn't wear any all week!
These worms were going to be used for bait, but the fishing wasn't very successful. So the kids just made "pets". Eew.
More karate training on that awesome lawn.
Oh so serious.
And not so much.
Phew! That was a lotta pictures.
Reader Comments (13)
I just thought I'd drop a note to let you know that I like your style! I'm an SA photographer, although I lean more toward weddings, and I'd love to meet someday.
The pic of your son, with the bandaid from lack of sunscreen-I just cracked up. That has totally happened to me, but with four kids it is hard to keep track of who has had what.
Anyway, thanks for the entertainment. I certainly enjoy it!
I guess it's only appropriate that he proves his "stick" is bigger & better. How does the saying go? "If you can't beat them, show them your stick."