Number Three

Today I had lunch with Chasity at Willie's. My friends tease me because it's one of the few places I will go by myself with all three kids now. They have a sandbox which means I get to finish most sentences, and it's totally contained so my paranoia from watching too much Dateline is only half as bad as usual. I wasn't always this way. I used to be unstoppable. I'd pack my 3 year old and newborn to every pumpkin patch, dairy farm, inflatable, bouncy, jumpy, musical, pirate ship, children's theater in town and out of town for that matter. I read books. I played classical music while they napped. Yep, I was pretty damn smug. Then number three came and put me in my place.
Anyway, this is Parker. And he is number three for Chasity. I'm not sure if he's putting her in her place. If he is, he's doing it in a very, very cute way.
There is something about a sock puppet that just cracks me up.
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