Field Trip

Kindergarten went by and I hadn't been on one field trip. I said it was because I didn't have anyone to watch the girls, which was true. The other true part, was that I was kind of scared by the idea. I pictured myself walking into a perfect circle of prepared moms who all knew the plan, and each other. They'd have sunscreen, and band aids. They'd have the time, and know where to stand. And I'd be stumbling around asking if someone has an extra sandwich because I forgot my son's lunch in the car.
But I knew it was important to him, so I made the effort to go yesterday and it was so eye-opening! There wasn't a perfect mom in sight, which of course made them all completely perfect. Some knew the plan. Some stood alone. There were dads too. Everyone made light conversation, but you could tell they would have rather been watching Oprah or in their comfort zones too. I met a really sweet mom in particular and wished I'd been less shy over the year. Mostly, I realized that things are always simpler than I think they are.
Like Chance asked me to build a sand castle with him. I said 'no' at first. We were going to be leaving soon. I didn't want to get my jeans dirty. There were no other parents in the sand...(it's funny how we still get sucked into stupid peer pressure). But he kept asking and I finally thought, 'what's a little sand'...and who was I there for anyway? So I got down into it and started digging. It was awkward at first, and then turned into one of those moments. You know we all have so much guilt as parents. But sometimes those moments come when you totally know you made the right decision. He seemed so happy the whole afternoon and I realized again that kids aren't complicated. Demanding, yes :0)...but complicated, no.
I did forget something though. MY NEW CAMERA! And how I wished I'd had it so I could show you how cute 60 kids look when they cross the street in yellow T-shirts. Little chicks.
When I got home, there was an inclination to beat myself up about how I hadn't done more of this over the year. But then remembered that I'm learning too. Next year I'll know better.
OH! I almost forgot to tell you the best part! On the way back a little boy says to me, "Are you Chance's mom?" I said "yes", then he goes, "you look more like his sister". Yes, I'm sure it was because I was the only dork in the sandbox, but it was still the best compliment ever! And totally voids out the time when I was a camp counselor and a little girl asked me if I knew I had a big nose. I have no idea how that poison oak got into her pillow case.
(KIDDING!) :0)
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