Slippery Slope.

Jason INSISTS on buying Halloween candy early, but totally disregards the RULE that you are only supposed to buy the crap you DON'T want to eat! Like, dum dum pops and tootsie rolls (gross!)...and jolly RONCHers. NOT Reeses cups and Snickers and OF ALL THINGS, NEVER EVER should you early-purchase the ALMOND JOY. I've eaten them ALL people. As in, NO ALMOND JOYS FOR YOU Trick-or-Treater! And it was bad toward the end, watching me DIG through the bowl, like a junkie in a trash can. If this goes on, there's no telling what might happen. I might become so big that I'm bed-ridden with an oxygen tank at my side. Richard Simmons and his striped panty-shorts will have to come over and convince me that life is worth living. He'll have to wipe tears off my cheek as they rip down my bedroom wall, so the towing company can load me onto their flat bed. Then I'll have to be on Dr. Phil in my bed gown (via satellite because I can't fit on a plane), while he tells me that I need to take responsibility for my life. And I'll say, "But I can't because Jason early-purchased the Almond Joys." At which point the whole audience will gasp in understanding, and chime in unison, "That's RIGHT DR. PHIL! What was she supposed to DO?!!" And then Dr. Phil will see the light. And even he will know that I had no other choice, under such sabotoging circumstances. And he will apologize to me, and then yell at Jason for putting me in this situation.
Reader Comments (28)
My weakness...refridgerated canned frosting. I can't handle it. It calls me. I can eat it with a huge spoon til my teeth hurt from all the sugar. But I can start again after I have a cup of milk. :)
On the front cover is a woman about 20 lbs overweight,
and under the image reads "BEFORE".
Then you open the card and there's a picture of the same woman
now 75 lbs overweight, and under the image reads "AFTER".
Then under that is the comment "I think I'm suffering from DIET DYSLEXIA."
The very back of the card reads THE SLIM-SLOW DIET PLAN.
And T I did not see or smell any Cabbage Soup Monday night. What are you going to eat on Thursday?
Happy Halloween!
Function: noun
Pronunciation: 'jOk
Etymology: Latin jocus; perhaps akin to Old High German gehan to say, Sanskrit yAcati he asks
1 a : something said or done to provoke laughter ; especially : a brief oral narrative with a climactic humorous twist b (1) : the humorous or ridiculous element in something (2) : an instance of jesting : KIDDING