Monday, da ba da da da...

My whole family got to watch together (no fair) as BOSTON WON THE WORLD SERIES! WOOHOO BOSTON! Jesi and Winston, I bet you guys are freaking! What a lucky charm you have!
We spent yesterday at The Patch. It has become a tradition for us, however I think this year was slightly less enjoyable than the last few visits. It started with a grumpy old man yelling at me for opening my car door when we parked. I was in the middle of taking Emily out of her car seat when he screamed at me to wait until the next car pulled up before I got out of the car (too late). But it was strange being yelled at, so my first assuption was that he was kidding and I kind of laughed. That was when he pointed his finger and hollared for me to "behave myself". Because you know how menacing those van-driving mothers of three can BE. Just OPENING car doors all over the place... all WILLY NILLY.
So we set out to BEHAVE our way into a fun Fall day. :0)
(all taken with the point and shoot)
This was the cutest goat. He loved to be scratched on his face, just like a dog.
We stopped here afterwards for the best apple pie you will EVER eat. I swear, it weighed 40 pounds (and probably added that much to my backside), but it was SO worth it.
This was funny, and it's my Best Shot Monday. You walk into this orchard-happy little cottage, that turns everyone into polite little citizens of Apple Heaven. All the Harley riders, and grannies are suddenly making small talk about how perfect it all is. EXCEPT. For Miss Always-Marching-To-Her-Own-Drum Anniebelle. Who held her nose the entire time, asking when we were going to get out of the stinky house.
On the way home, we found a DRIVE THROUGH BEER STORE. I knew there was a reason we moved to Texas.
So that's it for now. There is SO MUCH going on today, and tomorrow, and well every day until mid January. So I'm off to tackle the mountains. Have a good Monday! Also, don't forget to check out the other Best Shot Mondays over at Picture This. I could relate to Tracey's post a lot today. The idea that sometimes you miss the Chicken Dance because you're taking pictures of it. Let's agree to NEVER miss the Chicken Dance you guys. Not even for a photograph.
Reader Comments (22)
Lighten up, old man. This is supposed to be a FUN place. Geez Louise.
The first photo of the kids is adorable!
Great point-and-shoot photos
Kids and smells are so funny. My husband "tooted" in the car the other day, just like all husbands. And after a minute my three year old said,"what smells like poop in here?" I died laughing. I hope I can continue to laugh when all three boys find thier smells funny!
Love the nostril shot!
We visited the pumpkin pathc yetserday, too...but your photos are a thousand times better, I hardly got anything decent! Love the horse, love the little artist's face, heck love 'em all!
love the plugged nose. hehe. i wish i could eat some stinky apple pie. :)