




































Back to your regularly scheduled programming.

Winner winner chicken dinner! Finally, right? Sorry about being a game show host that goes to commercial break for a week. BUT I DO HAVE A WINNER for the adorable necklace...drum drum drum...

The Fabulous RACHEL BROOKE! It was so fun picking her name out of the basket, because I feel like I know know, in that strange semi-stalker internet-ish way. She's a fabulous photographer, and I think if she was closer, we'd be friends. Real live ones with actual words coming out of our not-keyboard mouths. Congratulations Rachel! Email me your address, along with what you'd like  printed on your pendant, and I'll put in the order. WOO! And if you didn't win, but still want one, you can call Nursery Couture at (210) 494-2627. I don't know why, but my links here and at Shutter Sisters aren't working, ever since they changed the interface. If anyone has any ideas about fixing it, let me know. 

Next, I got a few emails about what I'm going to be doing in New York, and whether or not I'd be photographing a celebrity. Y'all are too nice. Yes, Sarah Jessica and I go way back...haha! I'm just tagging along with DD and Katy, who are going for market. I traded a photo session for the trip, and am super excited because I've never been there. I want to do every touristy thing possible! *Also, I don't really do trades anymore, but I will make an exception for a trip pretty much anywhere...for all you out there in the travel industry...hint, hint! :0)

Also, I have to wish my other "virtual" internet friend Kal, a HUGE CONGRATULATIONS today! Happy baby number 2 is on the way. Yay for getting diapers out of the way all at once! I hope that next year, we get to actually meet in person and have a non-keyboard related conversation as well! WOOT!

Okay, so in the spirit of being behind on everything, I'm going to post Ashley's wedding that was shot way back in June. It was the first one I ever did. Well, unless you count the one in California (maybe12+ years ago). My partner and I had just opened the business, and thought there was nothing we couldn't do. Um...that's a good thing, until you go into a flourescent cafeteria reception, and use your camera flash for the whole wedding. No, not off camera flash...I'm  talking the flash that pops up on your film-loaded canon rebel. But I think we maybe charged them a hundred bucks, which didn't even cover developing. So I guess you get what you  pay for.

Anyway, here's my latest shot at it. And I have to say, my hat goes off to all of you wedding photographers out there. This wedding was relatively easy, because it was for family. But, you all work really hard. And I don't care what you get paid, it's not enough.

I've always wanted to do this shot.

And this one too. Ahh, got that out of my system.  :0)


This is Jason's Meemaw and Peepaw in the middle, with his mom (second from left), Maretta, plus her awesome sisters: Wanda, Lisa, and Judy. I wish you could meet them in person because they are all real life Steel Magnolias. xo 

Of course while I was there, we had to do a mini shoot with Mr. Cutie Pattotie.

K, that's it for now. I might post tomorrow, but will be leaving Saturday until Wednesday. So prepare for some totally cheesy NYC shots of me wearing statue of Libery hats, and riding the subway with the enthusiasm of a kid on a roller coaster. I'm not bringing any blogging ability with me, BUT when I come back, my priority is to make this daily relish thing a little (lot) more daily than it has been of late.



Hi Blog,

I promise I haven't forgotten about you. I'm just behind on everything, and need to focus on catching up before I leave for New York on Saturday. I did post over here today, if you want to come visit. And I'll be back later on to announce the (very belated) winner of the cute necklace, plus more. :0)


Friday is my boyfriend.

Holy mack truck of a week! I'm sorry it's been crickets around here. There is SO MUCH to post, and blog about. And i swear I haven't forgotten about the winner of the necklace. OR all of you awesome amazing people who emailed me about the Christmas shoot. If you haven't received an email response, it's because I had SIX shoots this week (normal is 2-3). So I hate this expression, but sometimes just like to say that I've been in the WEEDS peeps. But I did all my chores, so now I get to go to the lake for the weekend. I think a glass (bottle) of wine is calling my name.

Promise I'll be back Monday with all the latest haps.

Bye blog land! And thanks again for all the email love you all sent about the holiday shoots. I can't wait!




Yes, she is a senior in high school. Oy.

Thanks for a super fun shoot Lourdes and Cristina! And also thank you to Sandra Saks and Annette Jimenez for the referral!

Also, I posted the little contest below a little too late to leave much room for the Shutter Sisters Daily Click deadline. So I'm going to extend all it through the weekend. All comments left here until Monday at 8am will be entered to win a personalized charm (below).


Leave a comment and win!

Katy gave me this necklace a couple weeks ago. I've gotten so many complements on it. A girl at the bank even told me she was going to get one with her cat's name printed on it. So I thought I'd show off the cuteness here. I love it because it goes with everything, and it's an understated alternative to those big dangly birthstone stick figures.

If you want one, call Nursery Couture at (210) 494-2627 or email

Also wanted to let you know that Shutter Sisters is having a little contest for all the Daily Click entries. The ones with the most comments will be included in a Blurb book, which will then be available for purchase. So please come over and leave a few comments on the ones you love! The Daily Click is one of my favorite parts of the whole Shutter Sisters site. It's so amazing to see the kind of talent that is overflowing all over the place. And shoot, I wish I'd thought of this sooner, but if you leave a comment over there, and then comment here to let me know, I'll draw a name for a winner and send you one of these bigger charms. How about that?! So what are you waiting for? GO!!